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Saturday, January 28, 2012

India Needs a Dictator

Looking at the way, we have progressed over the years post independence, seems like the Indian Government fundamentally runs on two major factors, 1) Reservations and Caste system & 2) Corruption.
It’s a shame to be calling India as a secular country today; we have great brains of the country sitting idle and the art of how not to lead the country being thought to us once again, not by the ones who learnt a lesson from us, but by those who are repeated corrupting the system again and again. 
How will a country be Called Secular, when the people of it are divided on the basis of, caste creed, and more than all, by the very famous Statement “Do you know who I am?”
I strongly feel there is a need to have a dictators rule in this very country, which once upon a time Thought democracy to the world, and the largest democratic country in the world, at a stage where democracy is more or less , being sold for the so called Leaders for their own good. Politics has now turned to be a dirty game, and knowingly or unknowingly; directly we being a part of it.
Is there an end to such a dirty game, which is so biased and looks so shadowed over casteism. Clearly played just to ensure a win for all the money to be earnt in 5 years, to sustain 3 generations!
 There was a discussion, with a group of youth, which I was a part of, a few did bring in an idea, if there has been a mandatory reservation made on the name of a caste, let’s all appeal to the government to convert ourselves to the same caste, this really frustrated me to core, after all the system has gone so corrupt to an extent that, even if people hate it, the government wants it, to ensure they get their handful. There was a great line that was told as well; India, is a most un-organized country, I am not sure if every one of us agree to it, potentially yes; no denial on the statement!
The scandals that did happen in Indian politics over the last 5 years, and the money involved in it, was larger than the actual spending of the Entire country over a decade, This is something which has a alarming sign, Yet we progress, not because of the politics or not because of the fact, we accept defeat, it is just because of the fact, we pay our taxes without questioning, what do you do to develop our life style by taking that amount of money?.
When a soldier dies in the battle ground, or guarding the borders of the country from external forces, just to make sure, we and our families are safe and sound, when something bad or intolerable happens to his family, there are instances where they stay out there to make sure everyone are safe, keeping his family aside, and nation at a priority, and when something bad happens to him, the government sits on a discussion, asking for a justification whether it was his fault or someone else’s to even pay him respect and give him the honor he deserves. I am proud of such soldiers and when they share their stories, I feel so proud about them and I thank them, for making our lives better and safer, regardless of their worthiness. Every one of us have a soldier within ourselves in a way or other and we act with utmost discipline to be the way we have to be, just to ensure we do our duties the best way possible, Are the So called leaders and icons of this very country, shameless to just discharge their duties promptly? Asking this question makes me remember a wonderful statement once told to me by an ex manager of mine,
“fighting with a manager is like fighting with a pig in mud, after a while we understand, we are the ones getting dirty; worst above it, The pig is actually enjoying it!”
A soldier has to salute a corrupt leader of the nation no matter how corrupt is he or she respecting the positions they hold, when it is time to chose the ones who lead our nation, don’t we even have common sense to chose a better human, a right statesman? Unfortunately the right statesmen of the country today are not willing to stand for an election, not because of the fear of losing, but because of the corrupt system, which we developed over the span of time to ensure, we get the leftovers or remains of what politicians have looted from our own pockets, for years.
I feel there is a need to re-organize the country, a system that is more transparent and crisp, where the actions speak and not just words. There is a need for a dictator, who really need not wear a uniform and sit with a gun in hand, But decent enough to understand the plight of a common man and respond to his needs, and not the wants of a over eaten Mouse!.
Think to yourself, are we really worth, this corrupt political system, or has the time come for us to clean the dust and dirt, which we have created over the span of time. We need a better life and a better country to live in, and not a country, wherein to get the information you need, you have to pay bribe,( Referring to Right to Information Act)
Give it a thought, Your comments and shares, can make a lot of us educate , and lets be educative, if not corrective!