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Friday, January 31, 2014

Team Work Around

Hello Friends,

Most of us are all from the corporate world, quite often we hear a word called "TEAM WORK".

TEAM Dictionary Meaning - A group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport.

Do you really agree your team work is on track then try this small workarounds :

  • Goals - Hand over a sheet for all your team members and ask them to write down their goals or projects which they are handling now - Am sure you won't get a common answer - if they answer then you are lucky enough and be happy.
  • Objective - They need to write the objective or the project details in short - I know they will write but cross check.
  • Time Frame - Do they really know the time frame which needs to be delivered to client, then let them impress you on the paper.
  • Connectivity or Co-ordination - Do you think they will write the names like whom to contact in case they need any help or to co-ordinate in this project.
  • Appreciation - One name with appreciation on the sheet is must to know their team mates performance
  • Performance - Are they aligned with the performance drumbeats.
These are very basics which I thought of sharing with you, would like to share more in sometime.

Your Friend,

Monday, January 13, 2014

Health Really Matters !

Hello Friends,

Today lets discuss about the best and mandatory product and I always give more priority in this section which is called Health Insurance – As all of us know “HEALTH IS WEALTH” but how many of us are caring about our health. 

What is Health Insurance ?
Health insurance is a type of insurance whereby the insurer pays the medical costs of the insured if the insured becomes sick or injured due to covered causes, or due to accidents. The insurer may be a private insurance company or a government agency. The insurance may pay for medicine, visits to the doctor, hospital stays, other medical expenses and loss of earnings, depending on the conditions covered and the benefits and choices of treatment available of the policy.

Why Health Insurance is needed ?
A medical emergency/ crisis can strike at anytime. It can be in nature of an accident or any disease/ illness. With present life style of stress, travelling, long working hours, irregular and unhealthy eating habits, makes us very susceptible to illnesses. Often such medical emergencies are unforeseen and may cause great financial crisis to you. Very often, existing savings, future family goals are compromised to arrange for such medical expenses. Taking an adequate medical and health insurance would help you cover your cost of treatment and hospitalization, other medical expenses and may reimburse you for your lost income during period of recovery. Health insurance is your safegurad against financial impace and stress that accompanies any illness or accident.

How much Health Insurance to take ?
This is very tough to answer it may vary, but always be insured as much as your pocket can withhold and consult your financial consultant.

Health insurance products available in the markets 
Individual Policies
Floater Policies
Group Policies (Company provided policies but recheck the policy)

But some information is mandatory to share: TOI Source
Ø  85% of the working population in India do not have Rs 5,00,000 as instant cash
Ø  14% have Rs 5,00,000/- instantly but will face a financial crunch
Ø  Only 1% can afford to pay Rs 5,00,000 instantly
Ø  99% of Indians will face a financial crunch in case of critical illness.

Let’s come back to the benefits of the Health Insurance:
  •  Cashless Benefits
  • Day Care facilities – In case any operations or medical coverage without admitting in hospital (less than 24hrs) is also claimable (subject to product offerings) For Ex –Cataract (Eye operation)
  •  Pre Hospitalization benefits – Example in case doctor suggests some surgery for the claimant before surgery medication and consultation is also claimable(subject to 
          product offerings)
  • Post Hospitalization benefits – Example post surgery medication and others medical expenses are also covered (subject to product offerings)
  • Room Rent will be paid by the Insurance company (Subject to Sum Insured)
  • ICU charges will be paid by the Insurance company (Subject to Sum Insured)
  • Even critical illness will be covered (Subject to product offerings)
  • Ambulance offer is also claimable
  • In fact some of the companies are offering 50% of increase in Sum Insured in case you don’t claim for 1st year
  • Some companies may give you the benefits like Free medical check for every year (For adults only)
  • Tax benefits under section 80C.
Note: Read the policy documents carefully before taking insurance plans.

Your Friend